Trump Pardons Alice Marie Johnson After Kim Kardashian Visit %Alice Marie Johnson: Kim Kardashian Begged President Trump, and Now She’s Released from Prisonpage% - Citizen Truth

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Trump Pardons Alice Marie Johnson After Kim Kardashian Visit

A few days back, we reported that Kim Kardashian visited President Donald Trump to ask for a pardon for Alice Marie Johnson, the 63-year-old grandmother incarcerated for drug dealing. Kardashian’s appeal worked because Ms. Johnson has just been released to her family, CBS News reports.

Johnson was incarcerated at the Federal Correctional Institution in Aliceville, Alabama, for 21 years. She was serving a life sentence for “leading a multi-million-dollar drug ring that dealt in tons of cocaine from 1991 to 1994,” the Tennessean reported. She was convicted of drug conspiracy and money laundering charges in 1996.

Following Kim Kardashian’s personal plea to Trump at the White House, the president commuted Johnson’s life sentence on Wednesday, and she was released from prison that same evening. Johnson became reunited with her family, and she was full of thanks to both Kardashian and President Trump. Johnson may have spent the rest of her life in prison if not for Kardashian’s intervention and Trump’s clemency.

“She has truly been relentless in her fight for me,” Johnson said of Kardashian West. “To know a woman who has never met me…who has embraced my story and taken me into her heart…this is not just a publicity thing for her. Kim told me when she left that White House meeting that no matter how this turns out…she would never stop fighting for me.”

According to Johnson, “Only God could have touched Kim K’s heart like that. I’m just so thankful for it. It’s a miracle.” But that is not all. The overjoyous woman also has good words for the president. “I want to thank Donald John Trump. He gave me another chance in life and restoring me to my family.”

Kim Kardashian, who personally broke the news of the commuted sentence to Johnson on the phone, was glad things turned out this way. “The phone call I just had with Alice will forever be one of my best memories,” the reality TV star recalled. “Telling her for the first time and hearing her screams while crying together is a moment I will never forget.”

A White House spokesperson said Johnson was a model prisoner and had paid her dues to society, hence her release after Kardashian lobbied for her.


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  1. Norma Oliver June 8, 2018

    of there being something


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