The Resistance Saves Obamacare! Activism Podcast - Citizen Truth

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The Resistance Saves Obamacare! Activism Podcast


Trump Reistance

Liberal, Progressive, Resistance Podcast

Listen==> K-Voice of Resistance 7/28/17
Subscribe==> iTunes, Android

On Episode 52 Obamacare is the law of the land making Mitch McConnell and the Republican Party SAD! We celebrate this grassroots victory and wonder if John McCain is a hero or a villain?  Monsanto is still merging with Bayer, and farmers are not the only ones to lose out for it. We yell about the media’s obsession with Anthony Scaramucci, The Mooch, Moocherson and any other shiny object. We rail against Trump’s Trans Military Ban. We also discuss Jefferson Beauregard Session’s DOJ’s court case arguing that the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which bans sex discrimination, does not cover sexual orientation. The House passed its Make America Secure Appropriations Act — yes, it’s actually called that. We discuss the next healthcare battle on the horizon (hint, it’s medicare). Finally The Resistance has won another victory, have a beer, take a day, and be ready to fight again tomorrow. #RESIST

Facebook==>K-Voice of Resistance
Twitter==> Kelly The Voice


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