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FBI Closed National Solar Observatory For Investigation into Child Porn

FBI records indicated the facility was temporarily closed to investigate the use of the observatory’s wireless internet service for child pornography.

The National Solar Observatory in Sunspot, New Mexico, was inexplicably closed to the public on September 6. No public explanations were given for the sudden closure, leading to unfounded speculations and rumors. Unsealed FBI documents have however revealed that the closure was due to an investigation of child pornography. The facility reopened on Monday.

According to FBI documents, the agency was investigating a janitor who consistently used the observatory’s wireless internet service for child porn. The worker used the free internet service to “download and distribute child pornography.” The unnamed janitor has yet to be arrested or charged for any federal offense, and no arrest warrant has been issued, according to the FBI.

Roswell Conspiracies Run Wild as National Observatory Suddenly Closed

The social media speculations surrounding the initial closure was fueled by the facility’s proximity to Roswell, New Mexico and two military installations. Roswell became famous in 1947 when it was rumored that UFOs were sighted in the town. The U.S. Air Force argued at the time that the unknown objects were top-secret high-altitude weather balloons.

In fact, UFO conspiracists said that before the 1947 incident, a flying saucer crashed close to Roswell with its alien crew unattended. It was said that government officials secretly removed the saucer and its crew for examination at a top-secret Nevada facility. This, however, is not the case with the recent closure of the National Solar Observatory.

FBI records indicated the facility was temporarily closed to investigate the use of the observatory’s wireless internet service for child pornography. The records contained a 39-page application for a warrant to search the suspect’s house. The warrant was signed by a U.S. magistrate in Las Cruces, New Mexico.

A raid of the janitor’s house on September 14 yielded three cell phones, five laptops, one iPad, an external hard drive, 16 thumb drives, 89 compact flash disks and several other materials.

The investigation is not closed yet, the FBI field office in Albuquerque said.



  1. Michael Keenan September 27, 2018

    You completely missed solar activity. Strange activity. Like this explanation of “reverse” moon occu… https://t.co/TdnGJQdofB

  2. Michael Keenan September 27, 2018

    Do you have any primary documentation to FBI explanation? No FBI help in Kavanaugh hearing yet they… https://t.co/bL9DvKRLzH

  3. Pamela Barrientos October 3, 2018

    Patty Street Guinn

    1. Patty Street Guinn October 3, 2018

      Yes. This came out a few weeks back.

  4. Barbara Dean October 3, 2018

    Thanks for sharing this post with us

    1. Citizen Truth October 3, 2018

      thanks for commenting

  5. Scott Isbell October 3, 2018

    Bs story

  6. Diane Nelsonski October 3, 2018


  7. Dorothy McKown October 3, 2018

    They should close all rumps baby jails and children prisons for the same reason!! A worker at one of them raped 8 boys and told thE POLICE DEPARTMENT he had HIV

  8. Jason Self October 3, 2018

    Bull to the shit

  9. Midian Von Thorne October 31, 2018

    Silly FBI. You don’t need a telescope to find child porn. Smh.

  10. Shayna Alterman November 1, 2018

    My my, these astronomers have hidden vices. They should get out more!

  11. Asoka Ishaya November 4, 2018


  12. Scott H July 11, 2019

    So the FBI agents had to be shuttled in on blackhawk helicopters for child porn? Seems kinda over killish. I’m calling a big BS on this.


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