Trump's Desire for War and Our Resistance! - Citizen Truth

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Trump’s Desire for War and Our Resistance!


Resistance activism
Listen⇒KVoice of Resistance 8/8/17
We are happy to say, Monsanto is having a bad week! We look behind the curtain at the 700 pages worth of emails, text and more that were recently released. Amy Goodwin has a prescription for our Media in regards to war and we have a brief discussion of mainstream media VS independent media. We killed 43 civilians in Raqqa this past Saturday and used white phosphorus which we have no place using on living things. Donald Trump, the fraud of Fifth Avenue, is exploring extending the military engagement in Afghanistan and we discuss why. We remind everyone that Flint STILL has poisoned water and talk about the recent terrorist attack in Minnesota on Saturday. We discuss The COVFEFE Act, COVFEFE! While the media was obsessed with Scaramucci “The Mooch” Moochmiser, America missed Bill Browder’s explosive and important hearing before the Senate Judiciary, but don’t worry, we talk about it here. A recent leaked government report verifies that climate change is real and having a direct impact on weather events. We remind ourselves that these are not normal times. #resist

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