Florida Requires Schools Display “In God We Trust” Motto, Alabama Next
All Florida public schools are now required to exhibit the state motto phrase “In God We Trust” in a visible space, in accordance with a measure passed by Florida Governor Rick Scott.
In March, Scott sponsored an education bill that included this measure referencing the benefits of this historic phrase in spaces used by youth.
Photo provided by Architect of the Capitol.
“Each district school board shall adopt rules to require, in all of the schools of the district and in each building used by the district school board, the display of the state motto … in a conspicuous place,” the measure reads in the 2018 Florida state statutes.
Tennessee public schools also require this measure, and one district in Alabama is now poised to add the religious reference to their state-funded schools.
One month after the Alabama state courts approved the display of “In God We Trust” plaques in public spaces, the Blount County school district has begun legal consultations in preparation of being the first to put the Christian emblem on their walls.
Blount County Superintendent Rodney Green says a policy to implement these displays could come together as soon as next month.
The phrase, which is printed on the nation’s paper currency, is a nod to the county’s Christian heritage, but many have argued that displaying it in government-funded spaces does not adhere to the nation’s separation between church and state.
The motto can be found printed on one side of the one dollar bill.
Upcoming midterm elections will also present Alabama voters with a choice whether to allow changes in the state constitution which would permit the display of the Ten Commandments in public schools.
The religious majority of Alabama residents are evangelical Christians, and President Trump targeted these voters as his audience on the campaign trail by advocating for the protection of Christian expressions and symbols. US Attorney General Jeff Sessions, a former Alabama senator, has also publicly pledged to, and the taboo of religious lingo and has dissipated in the current administration.
Groups acting as watchdogs and advocates of the separation of church and state say that this has likely contributed to policy changes on a state level, and have led to the allowance or requirement of visible claims such as “In God We Trust.”
Big deal, how about more important things like fighting for Vets, Elderly, poor children, our environment? You can put any words you want on your money, buildings cars ect ect but if you don’t do what is right those words are meaningless. Actions speak louder then words. VOTE BLUE FOR OUR SAFETY, FREEDOMS, DEMOCRACY, CONSTITUTIONS AND COUNTRY.
We can’t discriminate against Satan.
Satan *is* God to Satanists.
Did you not know that?
And the pseudo religious indoctrination begins .
This is a direct result of bullshit policies and inclinations of the trumpledorf regime .
Fake trust for a fake country giving their kids a fake education.
How would you know??
Cory Sithspawn Presnell
It’s easy to see, isn’t it?
What ever happend to separating of church and state?
‘separation’ of what, and what?
is the constitution now a sidenote?
I think SCOTUS will have a lot to say about this.
I thought there was suppose to be separation of church and state!
I want it gone.
that is anti constitutional!!!! separation of church an state!!! what they are doing it is called indoctrination!!!!
Against our constitution
A sheriff’s office in Pinellas county, refurbished his office and the rug. It was 3 weeks before anyone noticed the rug actually said “in dog we trust”.
Ignorant bastards.
Inch by inch! Watch the evil grow!
In WHO?????
“…the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God…We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”
That “God”…yeah?
Not going to any good.it’s what being taught in the home.and that is being taught is
Separation from church and state has a purpose
Congress shall pass no law respecting religion but individual states somehow think it’s okay to forc… https://t.co/bCFn6XBoR0
Love it!
This is probable a good idea, we sure can’t count on congress to do anything.
Which God I wonder?
Which god?
Wonder what SCOTUS will have to say about it.
The God with all the guns
This should not be….. schools should be for free thought without oppression.
Church separate of state , kinna the first thing about gov. In the US
Who’s god? Odin? Ganesha? Shiva?
Satan. Still satan. Hate.
Gotta love that religious “freedom”.
We are still in the 1950s
For many Americans, the most enduring symbol of this “Red Scare” was Republican Senator Joseph P. McCarthy of Wisconsin. Senator McCarthy spent almost five years trying in vain to expose communists and other left-wing “loyalty risks” in the U.S. government.
Who cares? What about the children’s healthcare? Does the children of the poor still get a free lunch?
Oh, right next to the statue of Osiris.