Trump Nominates Former Monsanto Exec to Lead Fish and Wildlife Service - Citizen Truth

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Trump Nominates Former Monsanto Exec to Lead Fish and Wildlife Service

Aurelia Skipwith’s nomination to lead the US Fish and Wildlife Service breaks a glass ceiling but leaves many environmentalists worried.

A former Monsanto executive may become the new boss of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. President Trump picked Aurelia Skipwith this week to lead the organization, and if confirmed she will become the first African-American to lead the fish and wildlife agency.

Skipwith is a biologist and lawyer from Indiana currently serving as the deputy assistant Interior secretary for fish, wildlife and parks. Formerly, she spent six years at Monsanto, with additional work experience at the Agriculture Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development.

Monsanto, now owned by Bayer, was an agrochemical giant most famously known for its development of genetically modified seeds and its flagship product – the pesticide Roundup. Monsanto has been the target of many lawsuits over the alleged adverse health effects of its products.

Most recently, Monsanto/Bayer lost the first ever lawsuit specifically targeting Roundup. A groundskeeper who alleged Roundup lead to his cancer was awarded over $250 million, but a judge later reduced the financial award to $78 million.

Are Endangered Species More at Risk?

The Fish and Wildlife Service has been without a Senate-confirmed director since Trump became president in January 2017. Greg Sheehan served as deputy director at the Fish and Wildlife Service for 14 months but stepped down in August. There was a push to confirm Sheehan as acting director but Sheehan lacked the required science degree to fill the position.

Environmentalists have been opposed to many of the changes proposed during Sheehan’s tenure at the Service. Sheehan pushed for more fishing and hunting on federal lands and removed equal protections for threatened and endangered wildlife.

Wildlife advocates are also worried that a series of amendments, which some are calling an extinction package, could significantly weaken the Endangered Species Act and significantly harm animals and habitats.

“The wildlife extinction package is an extreme and all-encompassing assault on the Endangered Species Act,” Bob Dreher, senior vice president of conservation programs at Defenders of Wildlife, says in a statement on “These bills discard science, increasing the likelihood of harm to species and habitat, create hurdles to protecting species, and undermine citizen’s ability to enforce the law in court, while delegating authority for species management to states—or even corporations and individuals—that are ill-equipped to assume it.”

The Nomination of Skipwith Comes With Controversy

Some activists see Skipwith as a continuation of the Trump administration’s alleged attack on the environment. In a Seattle Times article, Chris Saeger, executive director of the liberal, Montana-based Western Values Project, called Skipwith “a darling of corporate special interests” and said her nomination was “business as usual for an administration that has sought to reward its allies at the expense of public lands and wildlife.”

Brett Hartl, government affairs director at the Center for Biological Diversity disapproved as well of Skipwith’s nomination.

“Aurelia Skipwith has been working in the Trump administration all along to end protections for billions of migratory birds, gut endangered species safeguards and eviscerate national monuments,” said Hartl. “Skipwith will always put the interests of her old boss Monsanto and other polluters ahead of America’s wildlife and help the most anti-environmental administration in history do even more damage.”

On the other hand, some are pleased with Skipwith’s nomination. Ethan Lane, Executive Director of the Public Lands Council and National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Federal Lands, applauded the nomination.

“We are extremely pleased that the White House is planning to nominate Aurelia Skipwith to lead the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. During her time as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fish, Wildlife, and Parks she has proven herself to be an open-minded and thoughtful leader on the most critical issues facing the Department. I have no doubt she will bring that same enthusiasm to the Fish and Wildlife Service,” said Lane in a statement.

Skipwith has stated that her goals were to “protect our species, increase public access and ensure science is at the forefront of our decisions.”



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  1. Claudia Cass October 27, 2018


  2. Joelle Cannon October 27, 2018

    Perfect ,put the poisoner in charge of our fish and wildlife. Great move.

  3. Lynette Norton October 27, 2018

    Bad choices

  4. John Dragan October 27, 2018

    Fucking stupid useless asshole

  5. Lynda Brake October 27, 2018

    Trump is destroying our country and our environment.

  6. Vinca Holland October 27, 2018

    Hopefully she is human enough to make good decisions.

  7. Margaret Singleton October 27, 2018

    She won’t be there for long. Another Omarosa.

  8. Chari Hayes October 27, 2018

    I knew there was a catch.

  9. Christine Johnson October 27, 2018

    Why would you puta Monsanto person, a corporation that has been sued many times for poisoning our water, land and agriculture in charge of our fish and wildlife agency. Is it to protect Monsanto and not the wild life? That sounds like the only logical answer I can come up with.

  10. Peter Lloyd October 27, 2018

    This is not what I would call a good political move. More foxes to watch the hen house?

  11. Barry Harper October 27, 2018

    The company that have us agent orange and you know what that did.

  12. Doris Schultz October 27, 2018


  13. Jinx Haley October 27, 2018

    Oh, goodie. Fox, henhouse, what could possibly go wrong!

  14. Kenny Lewis October 27, 2018


  15. Sheila Johnson Munyer October 27, 2018

    She’s the excuse for what things go bad and the first fired!

  16. Linda Bednarz October 27, 2018

    Every single appointment has been a person who should not be allowed to be appointed…due to conficts of interest. It’s getting ridiculas!

  17. Cheryl Casillas October 27, 2018

    that’s so stupid moron

  18. Linda Krider October 27, 2018

    Another scan to fool blacks to get them into voting red but most of us will not be fooled. Vote blue.

  19. Linda McWilliams October 27, 2018


  20. Marvin Kennedy October 27, 2018

    But what expertise does she possess? Agent Orange comes to mind when I hear Monsanto. BRK

  21. Vernon Howard October 27, 2018

    Another brain dead dotart

  22. Kiki Jasmine Hope Allen October 27, 2018

    Seafood and sea life is now all endangered.

  23. Larry L. Cunningham October 27, 2018


  24. Dave Martin October 27, 2018

    God help us

  25. Valerie Vickers October 27, 2018

    Wolf in the hen house

  26. Kim Jhan October 27, 2018

    Wtf?! If he wants to appoint a black woman to the post to show he isn’t racist, at least appoint a biologist!

  27. Lee Terrell October 27, 2018

    WTF ?????

  28. Maria Meli October 27, 2018

    Another clown in a fairy costume

    His whole staff is unsuitable for the jobs they cling too.

    It one hand washing the other

  29. Charles Hartman October 27, 2018

    As usual………makes no sense!

  30. Shirley Walker Sheppard October 27, 2018

    Maybe not so good.

  31. Pat Harrison October 27, 2018


  32. Donna Near October 27, 2018

    Fuck Monsanto!!!!!!!!!!!

  33. Jeanette Gindler October 27, 2018

    Snake in hen house

  34. Anjé Files October 27, 2018

    WTF? Monsanto will be the death of us yet! #smh

  35. Eric Smith October 27, 2018

    Manasota wants to kill us all the fish fish so they can sell us some GMO fish Trump took the money and put their person in place like he’s been doing with the corporations.

  36. Walter Brewer October 27, 2018


  37. Linda Kelly October 27, 2018

    What could possibly go wrong!!

  38. Daniel Malloy October 28, 2018

    He’s a Gotta Go!!!

  39. Daniel Malloy October 28, 2018

    Vote Blue!

  40. Kathi Goff October 28, 2018

    The man is a total fool!!

  41. Collins Caldwell Giron Jr. October 28, 2018


  42. Charles Freedom October 28, 2018

    Lord help us……This old man is attracted to corruption and garbage.

  43. Melody Finkenaur Chipley October 28, 2018

    That’s the fox in charge of the henhouse.

  44. Bob Hillenbrand October 28, 2018

    Another obscene appointment.


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