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Yale Students Rise Up, 400 Protest Kavanaugh in Washington DC

Lurking in the background of the controversy over Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is Yale University, Kavanaugh’s alma mater and the alma mater of one of his accusers. On Monday, Yale students spoke up.

400 Yale community members traveled to Washington DC to protest Kavanaugh’s nomination which resulted in the arrest of two law students. The same day Yale students back in Connecticut staged a sit-in at the school’s campus in New Haven and called for the university to condemn Kavanaugh’s nomination.

Last week, fifty Yale Law School faculty members wrote a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee urging them to conduct a “fair and deliberate confirmation process.”

Kavanaugh graduated from the law school in 1990. Deborah Ramirez, who accused Kavanaugh of exposing himself and forcing her to touch his genitals, was a classmate of Kavanaugh during their undergraduate Yale years.

One current professor at Yale Law School, Amy Chua, endorsed Kavanaugh as a mentor to women, but her students have spoken out against her.

The Guardian reported that Chua told female students it was “not an accident” that Kavanaugh’s female law clerks all “looked like models” and she allegedly gave female students advice on their physical appearance if they wanted to work for him.

Chua, who is most well known for writing the book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, denied the accusations.

“Everything that is being said about the advice I give to students applying to Brett Kavanaugh ― or any judge ― is outrageous, 100% false, and the exact opposite of everything I have stood for and said for the last fifteen years,” Chua said.

But multiple former students of Chua’s contradicted her and said Chua was lying.

“I personally heard her state that it’s not an accident that all his clerks look like models,” a current Yale Law student told HuffPost on Saturday. “So I personally know that for her to say the allegations are 100 percent false is a lie, because at least that one is definitely true.”

Students also reportedly feel betrayed and believe that Yale knew about the sexual misconduct of Alex Kozinski, who resigned from his position as a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th circuit after a wave of harassment allegations. Kozinski was a popular judge for students to clerk for and also Kavanaugh’s mentor.

Doug Kysar, deputy dean of Yale Law School, remarked this week that he knew of Kozinski’s behavior since 1998, but clarified that he meant Kozinski “seemed like an asshole”, and did not know of the sexual harassment.

“Given what I did know, do I wish I had done more? Yes,” he said. “I always wish I had done more.”

In response to Kavanaugh’s self-portrayal as a “choir boy” during his college years in a televised interview Monday night, former classmates of Kavanaugh spoke out on Wednesday referring to Kavanaugh as a party boy and sloppy drunk. Kavanaugh claimed in his younger years he was focused on sports, academics and “service projects.”

“Brett was a sloppy drunk, and I know because I drank with him. I watched him drink more than a lot of people. He’d end up slurring his words, stumbling,” said former classmate Liz Swisher, a Democrat and chief of the gynecologic oncology division at the University of Washington School of Medicine. “There’s no medical way I can say that he was blacked out. . . . But it’s not credible for him to say that he has had no memory lapses in the nights that he drank to excess.”

“He’s trying to paint himself as some kind of choir boy,” said Lynne Brookes, a Republican and former pharmaceutical executive who recalled an encounter with a drunken Kavanaugh at a fraternity event. “You can’t lie your way onto the Supreme Court, and with that statement out, he’s gone too far. It’s about the integrity of that institution.”

Fox host Martha MacCallum asked Kavanaugh Monday night: “Were there times when perhaps you drank so much — was there ever a time that you drank so much that you couldn’t remember what happened the night before?”

“No, that never happened,” Kavanaugh said.

MacCallum asked again: “You never said to anyone, ‘I don’t remember anything about last night.’ ”

“No, that did not happen,” Kavanaugh said.

The Washington Post reported that in a 2014 speech to the Yale Federalist Society, Kavanaugh recalled a story of heavy drinking. He spoke of a ‘”boozy trip for 30 of his Yale Law classmates to Boston for a baseball game and a night of barhopping, complete with “group chugs from a keg” and a return to campus by “falling out of the bus onto the steps of Yale Law School at about 4:45 a.m.”’

Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford are both scheduled to testify Thursday before the Senate Judiciary Committee, and a vote is scheduled for Friday.

Lauren von Bernuth

Lauren is one of the co-founders of Citizen Truth. She graduated with a degree in Political Economy from Tulane University. She spent the following years backpacking around the world and starting a green business in the health and wellness industry. She found her way back to politics and discovered a passion for journalism dedicated to finding the truth.


  1. Loretta Davis September 26, 2018

    One day and their loved ones will,suffer their behavior now. God is still in control even though they say there is no God

  2. Deborah Anderson September 26, 2018


  3. Richard Bolt September 26, 2018

    This liberal brain washing in our schools must stop

    1. Bill Williams September 26, 2018

      Only when Crooked Conservatives cut out the criminal behavior.

  4. Gail Ladella September 26, 2018

    Lol, ignorant SNOWFLAKES

    1. Beatriz Salinas September 26, 2018

      Gail Ladella watch what you say maybe it comes and bite you in the ass, I am sure you have women in your family snowflake he’s GUILTY!

    2. Gail Ladella September 26, 2018

      Beatriz Salinas , dont think so. Be careful your SON, HUSBAND, BROTHER, GRANDSON may be falsely accused someday.

  5. Mary Anne Young September 26, 2018

    Wow. I am impressed. What is the ratio men to women? Or maybe it is all women!

  6. Ginny Celano September 26, 2018

    Confirm the judge, forget the snowflakes.

    1. Beatriz Salinas September 26, 2018

      Ginny Celano watch what you spill it just might bite you in the ass, I’m sure you have women in your family!

  7. Patricia Smith September 26, 2018

    Gail Ladella and Ginny Celano are trolling. . .they’re probably the same person. Just report and block.

  8. Pat Harrison September 26, 2018

    Thank You ?

  9. Clayton September 26, 2018

    They need to be protested at the bar for not believing in innocent until proven guilty. Make sure they never receive a law license.

  10. Shirley Hawkins September 26, 2018

    Only 400,lol.hahaha

  11. Charlie Lagos September 26, 2018

    The SMEAR campaign will come up Short, Bigley!!???

  12. Kristina Huddleston October 2, 2018

    Thank You

  13. Josh Schwien October 2, 2018

    So there’s 400 morons going to Yale? Is that the story. INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY!!! You think since they go there they’d be smart enough to know that. I was raped by those Yale students. I said it so we must believe the victim. Kick them all out of school, smear whatever reputation they had, and attack/harass their families for the pieces of shit they are related to. That’s how it works now right. I said it so I must be believed. It’s truly baffling how insanely detached from reality these liberal idiots are. I’m also accusing them of murder. I don’t remember who they killed but they should be locked up immediately until they can prove their innocence. BTW this all happened 25yrs ago when I was 8

  14. Margaret Benson Alsobrook October 2, 2018

    Scary that this is where future lawyers come from

  15. Chari Hayes October 2, 2018

    Young people give me hope.

  16. Dorothy McKown October 2, 2018

    Please! Please!! Make the difference in the November vote and get other people to vote also!! We must SAVE AMERICA FROM THE POWER , MONEY HUNGRY RAPEUGLYCANS

  17. Bravo!!!!

  18. Ed Seamands October 2, 2018


  19. Carol John Arnold October 2, 2018

    Protesting the truth in favor of a lie… Liberalism ignorance is bliss…What are the qualifications for attendence at Yale now?? Oh, I forgot, he’s guilty by accusation, absence of proof is irrelevant..

  20. Stephen Krieg October 6, 2018

    Yale and Harvard was both started by pastors, ministers to help less fortunate to become Pastors Ministers lay people just look what the Liberals have done to them over the years and they want to continue and do it to America,sad.

    1. Joelle Cannon October 6, 2018

      Stephen Krieg I’m thinking that’s exactly why they don’t want Kavanaugh in there. He does not represent their high standards.

    2. Stephen Krieg October 6, 2018

      Joelle Cannon Are you for real what high standards? Judge Kavanah graduated no 1 in his class. Yale And Harvard have no standard except the more liberal the better, sick.

    3. Ron Berey October 6, 2018

      Stephen Krieg there were only two in his class

    4. Hector Roldan October 6, 2018

      Stephen Krieg I’m a 69 year old retired educator. Harvard and Yale to name 2 were always considered the schools of the privileged. Bush went to one of them. A lot of idiots graduated from them at the top of the class. So what? That fool is not qualified to sit on the bench. Any bench. Not even a park bench.

    5. Kathi Goff October 6, 2018

      Stephen Krieg What an ignorant statement…Get a life!!

    6. Stephen Krieg October 6, 2018

      Ron Berey Ha sounds like a poor loser do the teach that at Harvard,Yale or bot

    7. Stephen Krieg October 6, 2018

      Hector Roldan It dosnt appear you learned much in education except being a sore loser liberal really not qualifyed to teach much but hate.

    8. Stephen Krieg October 6, 2018

      Kathi Goff I live a happy life sounds as if your the one unhappy sounds like loser SYNDROME.

    9. Lee Maxwell October 7, 2018

      Stephen Krieg, he was not #1, cum laude means “with praise”, or top 25 to 30 % of his class.

  21. James Perry October 6, 2018

    Thought Yale was noted for high level education, guess I was wrong.

  22. David S. Gregorovic October 6, 2018

    400 parents wasting their money!! Sad!!

  23. Margaret Taylor October 7, 2018

    Well that’s dumb! Yale must be a school for idiots!

  24. Nathan Henderson October 7, 2018

    These students are learning to be cry babys like the democrats that they are following they need to wake up they are in collage to try and learn something not waste money that was paid for them some one had to pay the price for them to be there

    1. Jerry Reis October 7, 2018

      You sooner be a corrupt republican

  25. Jason Self October 7, 2018

    And we don’t give a shit

  26. Shirley Hawkins October 7, 2018

    Our government don’t care for Americans. Lock them up

  27. Gail Dupre October 7, 2018

    Why? Would not want any of these supposed lawyers representing me. They do not even understand due process.

  28. Jerry Schroader October 7, 2018

    If they had an education they would not have been fooled into protesting by their socialist teachers and professors

  29. Eric Hoffman October 7, 2018

    America has lost it’s moral compos. The Supreme Court has no credibility anymore. It has been bought and paid for….

  30. Don E. McCombs October 7, 2018

    Bunch of ignorant Libtadrd Asshats ?

    1. Elaine Carey October 7, 2018

      Grow up and stop calling people names…????

  31. Gary J. Weber October 7, 2018

    Silly rabbits kids are for trix.

  32. Carolee Straughan October 7, 2018

    The RepubLIEcans are worried because…they KNOW colleges have a LOT of First Time voters. Let the chips fall where they may!

  33. Skada River Geloi October 7, 2018

    and what good became
    of it?
    Too little, too late.

  34. Matt Sullivan October 7, 2018

    Stupid kids from Yale —– yikes


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