Monsanto Archives - Citizen Truth

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Members of Occupy Wall Street Maui protesting at Monsanto in Kihei. Date: January 28, 2012. (Photo: Viriditas)
Members of Occupy Wall Street Maui protesting at Monsanto in Kihei. Date: January 28, 2012. (Photo: Viriditas)
Members of Occupy Wall Street Maui protesting at Monsanto in Kihei. Date: January 28, 2012. (Photo: Viriditas)
Soybean plantation in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
"Public inspection" of the Monsanto facility at Enkhuizen, Netherlands Date: 2 November 2010, 13:25 (Photo: Luther Blissett)
U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont speaking at a town meeting at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, Arizona.